How To Activate Your Divine Feminine Energy With Yoni Eggs And The Yoni Wand

As a feminine energy dating and relationship coach, I was absolutely thrilled to receive my gorgeous box from CELLUVAC with 3 beautiful rose quartz yoni eggs and a yoni wand.

I’m always looking for new, fabulous and different ways to get my clients to connect more with their bodies, and feelings and yoni eggs are an incredible practice and tool to build up a deeper connection to your sensuality, which is a big part of embodying your feminine energy.

Feminine energy is all about shifting your energy to get out of your head and more into your body, and yoni eggs couldn’t be more perfect to really create the body connection needed to drop all your thoughts down into your heart, pelvis and vagina so you can connect more to your feeling body and your feminine energy centre. 

I absolutely love how the yoni eggs are rose quartz. 

Rose quartz speaks to the heart chakra and works on unconditional self love. It’s also the perfect element to focus on creating a deeper connection to love and romance in our life and calling in more of what our hearts desire. 

And to have the rose quartz in our base chakra - really working on our sexual and sensual centre - when used with awareness, is absolutely magical for activating your feminine energy. 

If you’re feeling disconnected from your partner in your marriage/relationship, bringing in yoni eggs to your daily self care practice can be so soothing in the sense that it reconnects you to your senses and feeling body and literally you can work on ‘turning yourself on’ and channelling this beautiful feminine fire energy into your relationship.

Sometimes when we’re experiencing disconnection in a relationship, the last thing we want to do is to be intimate with our partners -as women we connect very much from our emotions and heart and thats where we feel sexual attraction and polarity - yet men, as we all know, are wired quite differently. 

Men, especially in relationships, see sex as a way to express love and devotion to their partner.  Although it may seem like the last thing you want to do with your partner if you’re feeling unloved and ignored, yet opening up your energy to him and allowing him to see your sensuality and to allow him to feel your sexual desire for him can do WONDERS for a relationship that is in the doldrums.

It creates an opportunity for more intimacy and a heart connection - if you’re struggling with this please message me and we can chat privately.

Of course also yoni eggs are fabulous for reconditioning your pelvic floor after having a baby - this helps sex feel more satisfying for you (stronger orgasms) and for him too.

As a single gal, yoni eggs are a great way for you to connect with and explore your body. The more you know what you like and what feels good to you - physically and emotionally, and the more you can express that to men when you’re dating with confidence, warmth and ease - the more he’ll see you as a special magical creature of a woman who’s in touch with her emotions and desires - this will wow him and he’ll feel magnetised to you. 

The yoni wand is also a magical feminine energy tool that can be used together with the yoni eggs.

Wands are a fabulous way to self pleasure and can be used solo or with your partner. You can gently use the wand to caress and tickle your body and use it as part of a sensual massage with your lover.

A self pleasure practice can be very healing and activating of our divine feminine energy and power. It allows you to create a safe space within to explore our feelings, our body and to learn more about our pleasure.


I use my yoni eggs as part of a sensual meditation that I do to work on my feminine energy.

There are 3 different sizes - it’s recommended to start with the medium size egg.

Insert your yoni egg , put some relaxing music on, lie down and close your eyes….

I rest one hand palm down on my solar plexus while the other holds the yoni wand, and I breathe deeply in and out through my nose.

As I relax into the music and feel my body melt into my bed…I visualise my feminine energy and feminine fire building up in my yoni and around the yoni egg.

I call on the powers of crystal quartz to bring healing and prosperity to me and my love life 

While I do this I contract and release my yoni and breathe deep into my pelvis and vagina visualising white and pink light flowing from my heart to my yoni centre. 

I use the yoni wand to caress my body and bring my senses alive.

I then visualise and feel into my dream relationship and my dream love life, while continuing to breathe into my yoni and around the yoni egg and womb space, continuing to feel white and pink light spreading all over my body.

I do this for as long as I feel I need - 5 minutes up to 15 minutes.

And when I feel like I’ve done enough work on my feminine energy and yoni centre, I thank the crystal quartz for  the guidance given to me during my meditation and I come back to my body.

Let me know if you try this yoni egg  and yoni wand meditation practice. 

Let me know how it goes for you.

Xx Dana 

Suddenly Single? 3 Secrets To Get Your Ex Back.

How to turn things around with your Ex if you want him back. 

Do you go to bed at night feeling sad and alone - missing your ex?

Are you still secretly in love with him?


Do you feel depressed knowing that you might never feel his touch again, or smell his sexy manly scent and caress his skin again?

Do you feel like you’re actually pushing him further away with all your attempts at getting him back?

I’m so glad you’ve found me - I can help you turn things around so he’ll be the one going to bed at night missing you!  

I’ve been there, and I know that sad empty and lonely feeling you feel after a break up. It can consume you - the hopelessness you feel like you’ve lost your only chance at true love. 

I’ve spent too much free time after many breakups - conceiving, planning, and strategising ideas on how to get him back.

I’ve showed up at his house unannounced hoping he will declare his love for me and that it was all a mistake.

I’ve stalked all his social media platforms and those of any girl who may have liked, commented or shown any interest in him.  

I’ve booked in esoteric healing sessions hoping astrology; psychics or hypnotherapy would give me answers, and make him come back to me. 



I’ve found new, better-looking guys to take me out to our usual hangouts - hoping he would see me with these men and get jealous.

 I’ve spent sleepless nights blaming myself - wondering what I could have done differently.

 I’ve found myself seeing how dusty and dirty the edges of my bathroom floor were, as I lay there - more than once - curled up into a ball - sobbing my heart out over going through yet another break up – with the same man.

I know how it feels to ultimately feel so desperate that you end up accidentally pushing him away for good.

I’ve totally been there and I know exactly how you feel. I’ve found myself in this icky situation on more than one occasion and none of these ex’s ever came back for good. 

This all changed after my last break up. I realized all my efforts to bring my ex closer were pushing him further away. I wasn’t inspiring him to chase me because I was still chasing him!

That's when I discovered the secret of how to turn things around and get my ex chasing me again! I want to share those with you.


They worked beautifully!



The 3 Secrets to Getting Your Ex Back


1. Take the focus off him - stop thinking, breathing, living all things  about him. 


I want you to immediately stop pouring your energy onto him and the relationship that was.


100 % Stop

  • Talking about him to your friends or anyone at all

  • Stalking his online profiles - ALL of them

  • Contacting him at all…

  • Be overly active on social media - being fake happy -  in the hope that he will reach out to you.

  • Talking to him and reaching out - if you're still in touch with him - STOP IT! Cut all ties!


If you really commit to this 100% because you want results - You will feel empty - you will feel a big void in your life because you used to fill up so much of your energy thinking about him.


I want you to embrace and love that empty feeling - breathe into it.


Nurture that feeling of space inside you - keep breathing into - really feeling it - loving all the parts of you - Don’t try to ignore how you feel or cover it up - really open your heart to it.



2. Now I want you to use my Process of “Being With” how you’re feeling and what’s happened.

I know it doesn’t feel “okay,” it feels horrible. And I know the last thing in the world you want to do is “accept” how things are - and yet, only ‘Being With” the reality of “what is” will CHANGE that reality!!!!


 Look into the mirror - into your eyes and say to yourself out loud


“ I “See”  that we are no longer together, and I can Be With the fact that we are no longer together.”


“I completely accept that I’m now single – I can Be With my single status. 


“I completely accept that I’m hurting and feel empty and alone. I can Be With my hurt and emptiness”


Really get in touch with how you’re truly feeling inside, and Be With it

What are you feeling in your body? Where are you feeling it?

Become aware of what's going on inside of you.

Is your heart sore? Is your throat tight? Is your stomach in knots?

How do you identify that feeling? Does it feel like sadness? Anger? Rejection?


Give yourself a big hug - you’re doing so well at accepting and Being With what is.


I want you to turn back into the mirror looking into your eyes, and say (as an example)  -

“I’m feeling tightness in my throat, and I accept it and Be With.” 


Really identify what is going on for you and choose your feeling and speak out loud and most importantly Be With it.


3. Bring the Focus back to “Me” - start focusing on yourself and your life again.


You might feel lost and confused as you’ve been spending so much time and energy thinking about him and the breakup.

Be kind to yourself - start with baby steps.



Everyday do something wonderful that you enjoy 100 % for you - whether that is making coffee the way you like it, eating the food you love, working out, whatever it is. 


Start to fill your days with things that bring you joy with the goal of you feeling happy for yourself doing those things.


Get in touch with how you’re feeling each morning and each evening 

Tap into your feeling body - your intuition

Breath deep into your heart - close your eyes - and ask yourself what would feel good for me today - what would bring me joy - make me smile. If it's something that can be done right away GO FOR IT!

If not, put it in your calendar and plan on making it happen.

Taking care of yourself is key to feeling happy and vibrant on the inside so that you radiant on the outside - this will make you feel good and like your life is full of purpose and joy. 


Often during traumatic moments like Relationships ending - we forget about taking care of our emotional and physically bodies. 

If you feel like you have lost yourself and still can’t stop thinking about your ex and the break up I can help you fix it!


I know how awful it is to feel desperate and like there's nothing you can do to feel better.

If you liked this blog post, sign up below for my “Love Notes” newsletters, where you’ll receive dating, relationship and feminine energy tips. 

You also get exclusive access to my FREE program: “5 Steps To Real Romance.” Following this program will guide you on your journey to having the relationship you desire.


How To Make A Man Wild About You By Harnessing Your Feminine Energy

Do you find often that you are the hunter?

The pursuer - the chaser - actively seeking men out, approaching them, being very proactive and forward in trying to connect with men?

You may even be doing the chasing and not even realize it.

I know the love and dating game has changed drastically over the last decade and that finding a good man today seems to be a major battle and can feel almost impossible! 


Do you find yourself obsessing over your dating apps and potential matches - making you feel like you have absolutely no control over your romantic future because it's all dependent on who does or doesn't like you online?

Do you feel like you’ve worked so hard to find a decent guy online - only to feel so desperate and anxious that when you do finally meet him and actually like him you end up pushing him away with an overbearing - over eager energy?

Let me get you in on a little secret - well actually a huge massive secret that I learned on my journey to being a love and relationship coach.


It’s quite primal want to PURSUE - they want to hunt - they want to go and fish. It’s in their bones - in their DNA. They want to be the one chasing you and when we make it too easy for them - when we’re TOO eager, too available  - it’s no fun and they lose interest…

It sounds like a game yet it’s not. It’s a whole way of being. 

When we start to feel stressed, desperate and anxious about finding love we give off that same vibe of being desperate, anxious and needy. 

We go into our Masculine Energy center – the part of ourselves that tries to make things happen by chasing, pursuing and forcing things. The Masculine Energy wants to give, and this is where we as women get it all wrong. We think the more we give to our men the more they will give back, yet it doesn’t work that way.


What we need to do instead is: lean back into our Feminine Energy center – the part of us where we feel secure within ourselves, our heart center – the side of us that is present to what is and just receives. Basically being present to the NOW is totally feminine – you’re not thinking about the past or the future you are just fully in the present moment, and therefore not anxious, needy or feeling desperate because your not worried about what’s happened in the past or what might in happen in the future because you are trusting how you’re feeling NOW - in the present moment. 

When we are active in our Feminine Energy we RECEIVE first from our men, before we chose to give.

We process how that receiving feels from our man, how it feels in our body, and if we are in tune and present with our Feminine Energy we can then decide if it feels good and right to give back to our man. 

We trust our intuition - if a man is right for us and truly interested he will respond to something simple, like a gentle warm open smile and eye contact. 


A high-quality masculine energy man wants to be the one pursuing you, and you WANT to be with a high-quality masculine energy man.

The burning question is:

How do you find a high-quality masculine energy man?

The simple answer is: 

By connecting to your feminine core - your feminine energy.

In any relationship there’s a masculine and feminine dynamic. As women, we want to be the feminine dynamic - the receiver - the soft gentle energy - yet somehow along the way we may have become confused. 

We may have taken our masculine - the active ‘do-er’ energy (which is fantastic in the workplace and accomplishing your to-do) list home with us, into our relationship and love life. 

We think that because we were able to get things done at work with our masculine energy we will be able to get stuff done in our romantic life using the same energy.

This does NOT work.


Over the years I’ve noticed the difference, whenever I was actively ‘hunting’ a man down (a very masculine energy thing to do), showing major interest or being over eager in my relationships - my boyfriend would start to withdraw and back away from my energy.

It all became worse, when I would try and fix it all - being even more available - more sweet - totally activating my masculine energy turning him off further as it gave him no space for him to be the masculine hunter, who wanted to pursue me.

How do we fix this issue of connecting to our feminine, so that our partner becomes wild about us?

We have to put the breaks on. 

We have to stop leaning forward and chasing and start leaning all the way back - stop expecting him to be the only source of water for your ‘happy half full or half empty cup’.

I want you to go off into the world and create a full passionate FUN happy life for yourself so you totally FORGET about your man because you’re so PRESENT with yourself.

You want to shift your vibe so that you ooze passion and excitement about something that doesn't involve him and that 100% involves you. 

When your man sees you so involved with projects and activities that fill up your ‘feel good cup’, his attraction for you will start to grow because he will unconsciously understand that you don’t need him in your life. There’s no pressure on him to make you happy, if he makes you happier -  awesome, yet you’re already a happy gal all from your own doing. He will understand that you’re fully happy with who you are and the life you have.

This is hugely alluring to any high quality man and will make him wild about you!


If you feel like you need help on accessing your feminine fire, and activating fun, happiness and present moments in your life so you can drive your man wild - book in a free 20 minute Real Romance coaching session with me.

I can help you find the love you desire, and teach you the tools to fire up your feminine core so you can experience Real Romance in this modern era of digital dating.

xx Dana

How To Make A Man Crave You

Have you ever found yourself in an

incredible relationship

yet already within the first 3 months

you’realready walking on eggshells?


It’s not that he is behaving badly or done anything wrong, it’s just that you haven’t felt this happy about a guy in a very long time – and it’s freaking you out!


Even though things are going so well, you have this anxiety – this knot in your stomach – this fear that this happiness will be taken away from you in a snap. 


You find yourself tip toeing around doing you’re best not to rock the boat because you’re so desperate to keep him happy. 

And because you can’t remember EVER feeling this way about a guy, your heart is in a panic at how to keep things feeling so perfect and beautiful. 

Even though things are going great in the relationship, you have this narrative running in your head.

“When are we going to have our first fight?”

“When is he going to realize I’m not good enough for him?”

“I hope he wants a future with me – ‘cus I’m sick of wasting time.”


Having all those thoughts swimming in you’re head is totally understandable, and I don’t’ blame you at all for feeling that way – it’s natural for us to want protect our hearts from disappointments and hurt. 


HOWEVER, we are doing a lot of damage to ourselves and the potential to have a beautiful connection by hanging on to this attitude of “not being worthy” of having a great relationship. 


The effect of all of this fear of tip toeing around him and trying so hard to be perfect– the end result is that you start to hang on to the past or jump ahead to the future.



This anxious and fear based mindset leads you to be consumed about the past or future – things that are done and over with or things out of your control.

You start to dissect all his words, and obsess about him not texting you back or phoning you when he said he would. 

You turn everyone you meet into your new therapist – asking them what they think about what he did…

You start sleeping badly, and slowly get consumed by the stress and anxiety of your relationship.

You so badly want things to work out and have a happy ever after with him, yet you’re so afraid of having your heart broken yet again that you’ve started to lose that spark that drew him to you in the first place. 


I know self reflection can be hard, but do you think your more desirable and attractive to your man whenyou’re confident and feeling good about yourself and your life, or when you’re in a permanent state of anxiety because your too obsessed with the past or future? 

Do you feel more desirable and relaxed when you have the self-belief that your man cherishes you,or do you feel attractive, living in a state of fear and anxiety that he might leave you at any moment?

It may be a harsh way of looking at things, but sometimes the truth hurts and sets us free.  


Do you feel better about yourself and your life when you’re living in the moment and enjoying what’s in front of you, or do you feel better being consumed by the ‘what if’s’ of the future? 


From my experiences with different relationships and life – whenever I’ve been extremely present to what’s unfolding in front of me – not worrying about the past or the future – I’ve felt such inner peace and therefore felt SO happy, and when you’re happy you’re not worried at all, and therefore extremely attractive to (healthy happy) men.


It’s like a math equation:


Being present and living in the moment - letting go of past & future = feeling happy and attractive.


We want to stay in our feminine energy, which is very much a present- in the moment energy. 


Next time you feel yourself worrying about your man and trying to make something happen to get a result, I want you as best you can to just become present to the moment – physically and energetically wave good-bye to those thoughts of the past or future that are keeping you in your masculine energy – in your head.



Follow this

Romance Ritual

when you start to feel anxious about your dating life. 

1.  Close your eyes, big inhale, HUGE exhale.

2.  Drop your shoulders, let your face soften

3.  On the count of 3, 1 -2 -3… drop ALL your thoughts about him

below your head, into your heart and down into your pelvis.

4.   Feel your heart, feel all the emotions going on in there, be present with them – be present with yourself.


I want you to remember, the right man for you won’t need to be reminded that you’re in his life. 


So, if you’ve been dating a guy, and he’s slowly pulling away, or suddenly stopped calling – practice this Romance Ritual, and just let that attachment to him calling you back or making plans with you, let that attachment go. 

Let go of attaching your happiness to him.

Make your own plans, do things for yourself, be present to yourself and have fun with yourself. You will feel so much more empowered and happier about your life. 

You might have the urge to invite him along, or call him up to check in on him – so he doesn’t forget about you and lose interest - but please don’t!

“Why not?” you ask

Pressuring a man by constantly reaching out to him when his level of interest in you doesn’t match yours, shows him you’re feeling desperate and needy, and he understand that he has all the power in the connection. 


The reality is, if you’re the woman for him you won’t need to be chasing him,

he’ll be chasing you!

 Your love receiving battery might be dead – if you’ve forgotten what it feels like to have a man be excited about you that’s a good indicator your battery needs charging. 


Remember what it felt like to have a man pursue you and make plans, buy you flowers, and follow up further with more dates and fun? And following up even more with a serious commitment? 

This is all coming from him, not you. All you have to do is be the feminine energy receiver and be present to him unfolding in front of you. 

If a man goes cold on you, get busy with your own life, he might need a few weeks to figure out how awesome you really are, but don’t sit around at home waiting for him.

Get off your couch get out there; keep your life full and juicy. 

If you’re over giving, over loving and over nurturing because you think that will make him want you more (remember giving in hopes of getting a result is a masculine way of being), that will just make him feel pressured that he has to do the same and can push him away. 

You may ask, 

“ Well, Dana, what in the world am I supposed to do then to do?”

The solution is simple: Make your life – your reality – incredible for YOU.  

If you really love and enjoy the life you live and your happiness is not dependent on having a man in it, men will be so drawn to you and your happy fulfilling life, that he will do almost anything to be a part of it and share it with you. 

It’s not about having a checklist and ticking off relationship timeline targets, such as meeting the friends by week 3, and the parents by week 5 and getting him to say ‘I love you’ as soon as possible. 

Let all those things unfold on their own without any pressure and influence from you. 

Live in the moment, be present, smile have fun and don’t sweat the small stuff. Really enjoy the moments you share together – he will feel your vibe of being so present – and this will be extremely attractive and rare to him. 


What you want, what ALL of us want, is a man who has claimed you all by himself – without any pestering from you to do so. 

If you’re happy with yourself and your life, he will feel so happy when he’s with you, that he will associate you with feeling happy.

If you send him nagging texts demanding to know where he is, who is with and what he’s up to, you will be cancelling out the feel good equation fully as you wont be living in the present – you’re worried about what he’s doing.  

Remember to practice your Romance Ritual to help you soften and relax into the moment and maintain that present energy.  

If you need to take away only one thing from this article remember this: If he’s the RIGHT man for you, he will step up his game, and commit to you.

If he’s the WRONG man for you,

you will feel like you’re never a priority in his life,

he will put minimal effort

and investment into you. 

WHICH IS WHY – it’s so important to have a happy fulfilling life that’s your own, so if you do accidently end up with a “Mr. Wrong” it’s easier to get over him because you have such a great life anyway!

 If you liked this blog post, sign up below for my “Love Notes” newsletters, where you’ll receive dating, relationship and feminine energy tips. 

You also get exclusive access to my FREE e-book “5 Steps To Real Romance.”


I hope to hear from you soon,

xx Dana

Fight Less - Love More!

How To Consciously Share Your Feelings When Fighting.

Have you ever found yourself in what you thought was a casual conversation with your man - suddenly go from zero to 60 in less than a second - ugly words all of sudden being thrown around out of nowhere? 

You’re both instantly in a full blown argument and you can feel your heart pounding and sinking simultaneously.

That was NOT at all the intention of the “innocent casual conversation.”

You’re now in a full blown fight.

Where exactly did you go wrong?

And how did this escalate SO quickly?

If you really think back over the argument - if you become a detective and take a closer look - it’s often easy to see that fine line that we all cross over too quickly that leads from ‘innocent casual conversation’ to a full on verbal war of regretful words and hurt feelings. 

It happens when we CHOSE to cross over that fine line - we make that choice ourselves.

It may have seemed like the right thing to do in the heat of the moment yet looking back we can see and feel the hurt - and all the unnecessary damage we have done to our relationship  in just a flash of words. 

Looking back over the fight, you may have wished you had said something else - or acted differently.

I have been there - mulling over hurtful situations that were my doing or that I contributed to.

We can’t change the past.


We just have to Radically Accept that what was said was said, and that if we want to break out of this cycle of ugly words - fighting - we have to be a detective and learn from the situation.

You CAN turn things around for yourself - if you want to - you can break this cycle of arguing by implementing your FREEDOM to choose how you respond to the whole situation.

Let’s say, for example, whenever your man is feeling insecure, he brings up a past situation that involved you that he has strong negative feelings about - perhaps something you had done in the past that he didn't agree with.

You can see the fight brewing - he has brought this up before a few times since you’ve been together - it seems to be his go to argument, whenever he isn't feeling good about his life or himself. 

He starts picking on youI can’t believe you! How could you have done that!” 

He’s getting more and more worked up - insulting you - saying he can’t trust you - he’s not sure if he will ever get over this.

You’ve heard this all before - you have had this same fight many times. 

What you have to do is STOP doing what doesn’t work.


Stop approaching the argument the same way you have done so in the past - trying to justify your behaviour, blaming, explaining why things happened, defending yourself, accusing…

“If you REALLY loved me you wouldn’t speak to me this dare you!”

And this could go on and on - if you let it - possibly only ‘resolving’ itself by going to bed angry and waking up the next day with the mess of the night before ‘forgotten…’.

Only for the same argument to happen again in the future.

This approach doesn’t fix anything - it offers no solution at all - and leaves both of you feeling sad, resentful and drained. 

It doesn’t create the love, trust and partnership you crave in your relationship. 

It only does the complete opposite - killing any good feelings between the two of you - breaking down trust, creating emotional distance, and feelings of loneliness in your relationship.

The longer you let this cycle and habit of arguing continue, the more damage you are doing to your partnership. 

So how do you fix this?

You have to understand that your reflex response of defending, explaining or blaming, DOES NOT WORK.

The only thing it does is to cause your man to become defensive causing him to shutdown - which will just worsen the whole fight - getting you nowhere. 

When you’re in this intense emotional state it may feel like you have no choice but to argue back.

I want you to know that you do have a choice - you need to be the partner that leads by example - if you want a beautiful relationship you need to step up to the plate yourself - take the lead and show your man that fights don’t have to be this way.

Instead of defending yourself, explaining why what happened happened, accusing him of being nasty to you and not loving you - take a step back.

Catch yourself - be that detective - really listen to him - respond to him from a higher place.

I want you to feed his words back to him. 


Be a detective - describe to him how you hear him feeling and being.

You can answer like this “ I hear sadness  and anger in your voice, is that right? “

Feeding back what he is saying to him validates his thoughts and emotions making him feel more understood and seen.

You're doing this in a way that is emotionally neutral - without blame and defensiveness. 

He may respond in an angry way - unwilling to meet you at your level - trying to get you to argue with him.

I want you to stay focused on your goal of choosing not to argue - being aware of the emotions at stake.

Do not get sucked into the black hole of fighting.

If he's poking at you, you could say something like: “I hear how disappointed and hurt you are, and I’m not going to fight with you about this. When we both feel calmer, I’m open to talking about how to fix this so that we can both feel better and move forward. Until we can do that I’ll be here listening to you but I won’t be arguing with you.” 

This may take you going into what my mentor Rori Raye calls “broken record” - you might have to repeat the same thing over - that you will NOT be participating in the argument - that you WILL be open to talking about how to resolve the issue.

I am not at all justifying poor behaviour - No man should  be verbally or physically abusive towards his partner.

However, YOU are the one with the power to choose how to handle the situation - to choose how to behave in the argument. 

I remember with much sadness many special moments that were absolutely ruined between me and my boyfriend, as insecurities would well up which led to me self sabotaging these beautiful bonding moments.

It took a lot of self awareness to break out of the cycle and shift our whole dynamic by refusing to get sucked into the fighting ‘game’ with him.

As soon as I stopped engaging at his level with further blame, shame, excuses and defensive words our whole vibe shifted.

It took a few rounds of being strict and committed to the process of choosing my words correctly.

Slowly our fighting dynamic shifted to a more mature ‘discussion style’. 

You can have the best intentions for your relationship but if you don’t say it in a way that will leave him open to wanting to hear you and understand your point of view all your effort will be lost. 

If you feel like your struggling in your relationship to break out of a similar negative cycle - I can help you bring more awareness into your partnership.

If you liked this blog post, sign up below for my “Love Notes” newsletters, where you’ll receive dating, relationship and feminine energy tips. 

You also get exclusive access to my FREE e-book “5 Steps To Real Romance.”

Message me to book in a free coaching session to see how I can help you work through your relationship blocks so you can find your way to Real Romance so you can have the relationship you deserve. 

xoxo Dana 
