Suddenly Single? 3 Secrets To Get Your Ex Back.
How to turn things around with your Ex if you want him back.
Do you go to bed at night feeling sad and alone - missing your ex?
Are you still secretly in love with him?
Do you feel depressed knowing that you might never feel his touch again, or smell his sexy manly scent and caress his skin again?
Do you feel like you’re actually pushing him further away with all your attempts at getting him back?
I’m so glad you’ve found me - I can help you turn things around so he’ll be the one going to bed at night missing you!
I’ve been there, and I know that sad empty and lonely feeling you feel after a break up. It can consume you - the hopelessness you feel like you’ve lost your only chance at true love.
I’ve spent too much free time after many breakups - conceiving, planning, and strategising ideas on how to get him back.
I’ve showed up at his house unannounced hoping he will declare his love for me and that it was all a mistake.
I’ve stalked all his social media platforms and those of any girl who may have liked, commented or shown any interest in him.
I’ve booked in esoteric healing sessions hoping astrology; psychics or hypnotherapy would give me answers, and make him come back to me.
I’ve found new, better-looking guys to take me out to our usual hangouts - hoping he would see me with these men and get jealous.
I’ve spent sleepless nights blaming myself - wondering what I could have done differently.
I’ve found myself seeing how dusty and dirty the edges of my bathroom floor were, as I lay there - more than once - curled up into a ball - sobbing my heart out over going through yet another break up – with the same man.
I know how it feels to ultimately feel so desperate that you end up accidentally pushing him away for good.
I’ve totally been there and I know exactly how you feel. I’ve found myself in this icky situation on more than one occasion and none of these ex’s ever came back for good.
This all changed after my last break up. I realized all my efforts to bring my ex closer were pushing him further away. I wasn’t inspiring him to chase me because I was still chasing him!
That's when I discovered the secret of how to turn things around and get my ex chasing me again! I want to share those with you.
They worked beautifully!
The 3 Secrets to Getting Your Ex Back
1. Take the focus off him - stop thinking, breathing, living all things about him.
I want you to immediately stop pouring your energy onto him and the relationship that was.
100 % Stop
Talking about him to your friends or anyone at all
Stalking his online profiles - ALL of them
Contacting him at all…
Be overly active on social media - being fake happy - in the hope that he will reach out to you.
Talking to him and reaching out - if you're still in touch with him - STOP IT! Cut all ties!
If you really commit to this 100% because you want results - You will feel empty - you will feel a big void in your life because you used to fill up so much of your energy thinking about him.
I want you to embrace and love that empty feeling - breathe into it.
Nurture that feeling of space inside you - keep breathing into - really feeling it - loving all the parts of you - Don’t try to ignore how you feel or cover it up - really open your heart to it.
2. Now I want you to use my Process of “Being With” how you’re feeling and what’s happened.
I know it doesn’t feel “okay,” it feels horrible. And I know the last thing in the world you want to do is “accept” how things are - and yet, only ‘Being With” the reality of “what is” will CHANGE that reality!!!!
Look into the mirror - into your eyes and say to yourself out loud
“ I “See” that we are no longer together, and I can Be With the fact that we are no longer together.”
“I completely accept that I’m now single – I can Be With my single status.
“I completely accept that I’m hurting and feel empty and alone. I can Be With my hurt and emptiness”
Really get in touch with how you’re truly feeling inside, and Be With it
What are you feeling in your body? Where are you feeling it?
Become aware of what's going on inside of you.
Is your heart sore? Is your throat tight? Is your stomach in knots?
How do you identify that feeling? Does it feel like sadness? Anger? Rejection?
Give yourself a big hug - you’re doing so well at accepting and Being With what is.
I want you to turn back into the mirror looking into your eyes, and say (as an example) -
“I’m feeling tightness in my throat, and I accept it and Be With.”
Really identify what is going on for you and choose your feeling and speak out loud and most importantly Be With it.
3. Bring the Focus back to “Me” - start focusing on yourself and your life again.
You might feel lost and confused as you’ve been spending so much time and energy thinking about him and the breakup.
Be kind to yourself - start with baby steps.
Everyday do something wonderful that you enjoy 100 % for you - whether that is making coffee the way you like it, eating the food you love, working out, whatever it is.
Start to fill your days with things that bring you joy with the goal of you feeling happy for yourself doing those things.
Get in touch with how you’re feeling each morning and each evening
Tap into your feeling body - your intuition
Breath deep into your heart - close your eyes - and ask yourself what would feel good for me today - what would bring me joy - make me smile. If it's something that can be done right away GO FOR IT!
If not, put it in your calendar and plan on making it happen.
Taking care of yourself is key to feeling happy and vibrant on the inside so that you radiant on the outside - this will make you feel good and like your life is full of purpose and joy.
Often during traumatic moments like Relationships ending - we forget about taking care of our emotional and physically bodies.
If you feel like you have lost yourself and still can’t stop thinking about your ex and the break up I can help you fix it!
I know how awful it is to feel desperate and like there's nothing you can do to feel better.
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