“It’s time to unlatch your heart
to Real Romance...”

Hi, this is Dana. I feel so grateful you have found me.
- What if you could finally fix your love life, heal your heartache and have the relationship you desire?
A relationship where you experience Real Romance - where you feel seen and loved for being exactly who you are.
Exactly who you’re meant to be on this planet.
I’m here to help you feel incredible about yourself and your love life.
I want to help you experience long lasting love - a kind of love that you might have given up on ever experiencing.
I will help you activate your feminine energy to make you feel magnetic and gorgeous.
It’s never too late and your never too old to start over.
You’re worthy of being loved and adored exactly as you are.
You’re worthy of experiencing Real Romance.
You’re worthy of having the relationship you deserve.
You can - and deserve to have a magnificent love life.
I feel your pain - I’ve been there.
I’ve pushed away amazing men who had incredible long term potential - and who absolutely adored me - because I didn’t feel worthy of their love.
I have endured relationships with men who were emotionally abusive - even toxic - because they had started out SO beautiful, and seemingly perfect.
I ignored the reality in front of me, hoping to experience the wonderful man who had wooed me in the beginning.
I spent years beating myself up over these situations…
embarrassed that a woman like myself - who should know better - allowed herself to get into such messes, that drained me of my time and energy.
Until one day, a few years into my inner work journey, I came across the incredible material of my mentor Rori Raye - renowned relationship and dating coach.
Reading through her tools and techniques something clicked inside me.
It was all so simple on the surface, yet so profound - also - incredibly deep yet logical.
I immediately started practicing her tools and my love life turned around.
I felt so much better about myself.
My personal dynamic shifted, I tapped into my feminine energy, and started to attract a lot more positivity into my life - and quality men.
I’m so grateful for coming across Rori’s work as it has deeply changed my life for the better.
I hope as we work together using her approach, your love life will turn around quickly in an incredible way too.
It doesn’t matter where you are on your Romance Route.
You could be married, dating, in a long term relationship, or even heartbroken over a recent divorce and struggling to get back out there - I am here for you.
I can help you come out of this painful place of feeling stuck, frustrated and confused in your love life. The pain of thinking you should maybe just endure a lifetime with an abusive man - or settle for romantic disappointment again and again because what if there’s nothing better?
What if no will else wants me?
I’m here to tell you there IS something bigger and better for you.
-What if you could get your love life onto the track marked “True Love” instead of the one that leads to endless dead ends?
-What if all it took was talking personally with a relationship coach who knows how to help you turn your love life – whether you’re dating, in a relationship, or married – around quickly and permanently?
It’s what we all want, and you can have it. I KNOW you can.
I am here to help you feel again.
I feel your pain as you think you may have lost all hope…
You are a gorgeous woman and I KNOW you have found me for a reason.
You will feel love and be loved by someone incredible as we work through these tools and techniques together.
We will shift old ways of being and relating - and really learn to connect with men from our heart - our true feminine essence.
I will help you experience Real Romance and have the relationship you deserve.
If you would like help with any love, relationship or dating problems, please contact me.
I’m confident I can help you - so much so - I want to offer you an opportunity to get a free “Get Real Romance” coaching session with me.
Let me know a little bit about your situation in the box below, and if I feel I can help you quickly, we’ll schedule a time to work together over video chat.
Love is all around us – and even though we say we’d give everything to have it – most of us are constantly and unconsciously pushing love away.
I can help you stop blocking love, and instead let it come to you in ways you’ve never imagined.
I look forward to helping you have Real Romance!